Tenderloin Fundraisers

Swayzee Loinz is a federally inspected facility which mass produces hand breaded pork tenderloins.  Our tenderloins are derived from the finest boneless pork loin you can find, with no hormones or antibiotics!

We are excited to offer two different options for your fundraising needs.

Order Form Fundraisers

Order form fundraisers are as easy as 1...2....3!  We customize our form for your school or organization, set the appropriate time frame for sales, and provide all the tools you need.  Customers issue payment directly to your organization when ordering, and then you issue one check for your total sales amount to us  when you drop off your forms.  Our facility then produces the orders, and individually packages them for each seller.  Your orders will be available for pickup at our facility just a few weeks later, along with your earnings check.

Pop-Up Fundraisers

Our Pop-Up Style Fundraisers are quickly becoming a new favorite! With our pop-up fundraisers, we bring the product directly to you, eliminating the order collection and pickup/delivery of the product later. On a date and time of your choosing, we will come to your chosen location and set up our company van to sell 10 packs of our frozen tenderloins. Customers get to take their tenderloins with them that day. We always advertise the fundraiser as an event on our social media pages, and we ask that you advertise the event ahead of time as well, in order to optimize our turnout. These 10 packs are sold to each customer for the price of $28, and we issue $5 of each pack sold, back to you as your earnings. Customers issue payment directly to us when ordering, and then we issue a check to you for your total earnings amount at the end of the event.

Call today to see how we can effectively help you raise the funds for your school or organization!!
